Your productivity tab

BonsaiDash is a browser extension that replaces your new tab with a clean and customizable dashboard that keeps your tasks and goals front and center.

Hero Illustration

BonsaiDash Features

Hero Illustration

📆 Today's Spotlight

BonsaiDash's Today View immerses you in the present, empowering you to laser-focus on what truly matters today. Say goodbye to overwhelming clutter.

👩🏽‍💼 Simplistic Project Management

Working on a project? BonsaiDash introduces the ingenious concept of task hashtags. Effortlessly group your tasks by tags.

😍 Inspiring Visuals

Disciplined doesn’t have to be boring. While you maintain your unwavering focus, BonsaiDash delights your senses with a stunning selection of backgrounds.

⌛️ Masterful Pomodoro Sessions

Don’t you want to focus on one thing at a time? BonsaiDash tranforms your workflow by seamlessly integrating Pomodoro sessions into your tasks.

🕝 Time Zone Mastery

Embrace the global nature of remote work with BonsaiDash's custom clock widgets. Effortlessly keep track of multiple time zones.

Copyright © 2023. Made with ♥ by BonsaiDash.